2021 Fall Plant Sale
This year's Fall Plant Sale will begin on October 6 and run through October 23. Ordering will take place online and curbside pick-ups will be scheduled on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during the sale. We will contact you after your order is processed to schedule a pick-up appointment.
See the table below for a list of the trees, shrubs, seed packets, and bulbs we will be offering. We have a limited number of trees and shrubs, so shop early if you'd like to take some home this year!
Your purchase supports our native plant nursery and the production of plant material and seeds used to restore wildlife habitat in the greater Mt. Pisgah area.
Latin name | Common name | ||
Bulbs | |||
Allium amplectans | slim leaf onion | Su | M, W |
Seed Packets | |||
Aquilegia formosa | red columbine | PS | D, M |
Calandrinia ciliata | red maids | Su | M |
Clarkia amoena sp. lindleyi | Lindley's clarkia | Su | D |
Clarkia purpurea | purple godetia | Su | D |
Collomia grandiflora | large-flowered collomia | Su | M |
Eriophyllum lanatum | Oregon sunshine | Su, PS | D, M |
Geum macrophyllum | largeleaf avens | PS, Sh | M, W |
Madia elegans | showy madia | Su, PS | D |
Plagiobothrys figuratus | fragrant popcorn flower | Su | D, M |
Plectritis congesta | rosy plectritis | Su | M |
Potentilla gracilis | slender cinquefoil | Su, PS | M, W |
Prunella vulgaris v. lanceolata | native heal all | Su, PS | M, W |
Trees and Shrubs | |||
Amelanchier alnifolia | Saskatoon serviceberry | Su, PS | D |
Berberis aquifolium | Oregon grape | Su, PS, Sh | D |
Holodiscus discolor | ocean spray | Sh, PS | D, M |
Oemleria cerasiformis | osoberry | PS | D |
Philadelphus lewisii | mock orange | Su, PS | D |
Physocarpus capitatus | Pacific ninebark | Sh, PS | D, M |
Rhamnus purshiana | cascara | Su, PS | D |
Rosa pisocarpa | cluster rose | PS | M, W |
Rubus parviflorus | thimbleberry | PS | M, W |
Spiraea douglasii | Douglas spirea | Su, PS | M, W |
Symphoricarpos albus | common snowberry | PS, Sh | D, M |
Viburnum ellipticum | Oregon viburnum | PS, Sh | D |
*Su=Full sun; PS=Part Shade; Sh=Shade; D=Dry; M=Moist; W=Wet