Not a member yet of the Friends of Buford Park & Mt. Pisgah? Become a member.
Support the Buford Park & Mt. Pisgah by giving each month.
Did you know that Buford Park/Mt. Pisgah does not receive general fund money from the county? That's why we rely on your generosity, volunteerism and advocacy-- now more than ever! The Friends play an important role in maintaining the park and restoring its lands for natural habitat and compatible recreation.
Membership has its benefits, such as:
Total Annual gifts of
$50, Trailblazer—Annual Lane County Parking Pass (a $40 value -- good at ALL county parks)
$100, River Supporter—Same as above x 2
$250, Savanna Steward—Same as above and recognition in our annual report
$500, Prairie Protector—Same as above + an invitation to a special event or outing
$1000+, Summit Society—Same as above + a Summit Society special tour